Frequently asked questions


Q – What is Athloot?
A – It’s a benchmarking prototype tool to help football agents understand sponsorship value of players using data science.


Q – How can I use Athloot as a football agent?
A – Football agents who are conducting initial research into football players can instantly understand the potential sponsorship opportunity. Agents who have been briefed by sponsors looking for a specific player profile can use the tool for research to shortlist and report on suitable sponsorship candidates.


Q – What is PSV?
A – Predicted sponsorship value (PSV) is a metric used for understanding the estimated ‘sponsorship value’ of a footballer. The metric is based on an athletes performance, exposure on pitch, social engagement and advertising value.


Q – Why is PSV low for some football players in the prototype?
A – Firstly, the data being used within the prototype is based on 50 players. The data for these players is a snapshot taken for a specific period in time. As more players are indexed the valuation model will be fine tuned and adjusted. We will aim to update the data weekly as the tool is developed.


Q – What is the starter program or EAP?
A – The Early Access Program (EAP) is controlled access to the first version of the product enabling us to gate the number of users. Through the program, we aim to gain valuable user feedback and validation and create the most useful customer journeys. We also get to fix any bugs and build excitement and interest around our new product.

In return for being involved in the EAP you get access to over 10,000 data points and 700 players. In addition you get to upload your own players for analysis.